Dogma Alert

Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Secret History of The World

The Secret History of The World and How To Get Out Alive

Laura Knight-Jadczyk


A friend of mine recently sent me a copy of a new book by Laura Knight-Jadczyk that is so detailed, well-researched and comprehensive in it's scope, a reviewer might have an easier time asking what subjects it doesn't cover. For anyone who is interested in the truth behind human history and the reasons why our world is facing such dire straits, need look no futher than this monumental work.

Published by Red Pill Press, The Secret History of the World covers a vast number of subjects including; history, archeology, religion, mythology, art, quantum physics, alchemy, green language, shamanism, ancient science, conspiracies, the holy grail, cathars, superluminal communication, atlantis, cyclical catastrophes, biochemistry, and end times prophecy to name a few. It even proposes a real solution to the Da Vinci Code mystery, that seems to have taken the popular world by storm.

What is most remarkable about this book is how it can connect such disparate and wide ranging subjects in a real and meaningful way. Written with insight and humour, the author takes the reader on quest through the course of Earth's history in search of the real Holy Grail and the ancient science of ascension. One subject this book covers in detail is that of
hyperdimensional realities, that deals with the subject of "higher densities" interacting with our own over the course of human history.

This book will appeal to anyone who is serious about getting at the truth of our reality, and how by working on oneself to perceive this reality "objectively", is our only hope of possibly realizing a different future.

So it is with a certain amount of gravity that I say this could be the most important book for our times.

For the serious seeker of knowledge and truth, this book is a must have.


Monday, March 21, 2005

The Rapture of Homeboy Jesus and Wrangling Cowboys

Three interesting stories crossed my desk this month, each concerns a different aspect of Christianity in the American South. Although, they are not really related, the thing that ties them together is that each shows a peek inside the bizarre world of the fundamentalist belief system.

In the first we hear from a Canadian religious colunmist who travels down to Florida to spend time with the "Rapture-ites". Those are the folks who believe that someday soon their bodies will simply vapourize into thin air, while their spirit gets whisked up to Heaven by Jesus, and they can look down in smug superiority on the plagues and pestilence their non-baptised brethren have to endure.

Rapture awaits in the Florida Panhandle
Feb. 12, 2005. 01:00 AM

Last month, as we usually do, we motored down U.S. Interstate 75, to the emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the shores of the Florida Panhandle. It's a time to catch up on serious reading, walk the pristine white quartz beaches, watch for pelicans and passing dolphins, and do some research on the ever-fascinating phenomenon of American religion.

The whole coast from Panama City on the east to Pensacola on the west, apart from having the most beautiful beaches in the world, is the focus of some of the most intense conservative evangelical activity in the entire U.S. Superchurches, training schools, and all kinds of crusades abound.

You know you are in a different culture when you enter the U.S. We always enjoy the flagrant billboards along the highway. Shortly after entering Ohio, a large sign trumpets a coming "Gun and Knife Show;" this one was followed shortly by another equally vast board touting "Microsurgery: Vasectomy Reversal a Specialty — Money Back Guarantee!"

In rural Georgia, a rather beat-up Pentecostal Church had a big sign: "Road Rage? How would Jesus drive?" Another advertised a Bible Factory Outlet with drastic savings on both new and used Bibles. Then there was the enormous Wal-mart store with a sign at the customer service counter: "No refunds on guns and ammunition." Guess they meant use them or lose them, but don't bring 'em back.

At first impression, the religious scene in this Bible Belt terrain is upbeat, vigorous, prospering in numbers, properties, and outspoken leadership. There is an agenda both spiritual and political as well as the people and money to make it happen. But, when you pay close attention to the message being driven home by every possible technical medium and skill, you meet some deeply disturbing, even frightening realities.

Let me illustrate by describing an all-day Saturday conference at one of the largest Protestant churches I have ever been in, The Village Baptist Church in Destin, Fla. The facilities there are gleaming, spacious, comfortable.

The theme of the day was Left Behind: A Conference on Biblical Prophecy about End Times, and it featured three of the leading voices in the U.S religious right today: Tim LaHaye, Gary Frazier, and Ed Hindson.

LaHaye was one of the leaders included in Time magazine's Jan.31 story on evangelicals most influential in the presidency of George W.Bush. He appeared, for that reason, a few nights ago along with three other prominent evangelicals on Larry King Live.

LaHaye has written about 50 non-fiction books and is particularly noteworthy because of his multi-million dollar Left Behind series of novels dealing with end-of-the-world themes.

Following the "Rapture" — the supposed moment when Jesus Christ will suddenly appear and all the saved will be "caught up to meet him in the air" — leaving the rest of Earth's billions to plague, pestilence, famine and war, there will be seven years of the "Tribulation."

How the Christian "God of love" treats those "left behind" makes for lurid reading indeed.

To sum up the essence of the three speaker's messages all that long Saturday, I have never heard so much venom and dangerous ignorance spouted before an utterly unquestioning, otherwise normal-looking crowd in my life. For the $25 fee, the 800 devotees certainly got a plateful.

There were stunning statements about humans having been only 6,000 years on Earth and other denials of contemporary geology and biology. And we learned that the Rapture, which could happen any second now, but certainly within the next 40 years, will instantly sweep all the "saved" Americans (perhaps one-half the population) to heaven, leaving the United States as "a Third World country" with the European Union becoming the revived Roman Empire.

But these fantasies were harmless compared with the hatred against Islam that followed. Here are some direct quotes: "Islam is an intolerant religion — and it's clear whose side we should be on in the Middle East." Applause greeted these words: "Allah and Jehovah are not the same God ... Islam is a Satanic religion ...We will never be able to understand their (Muslim) mentality ... They're going to attack Israel for certain. ..."

Gary Frazier shouted at the top of his lungs: "Wake up! Wake up!" And roughly 800 heads nodded approval as he added that the left-wing, anti-Israel media — "for example, CNN" — will never tell the world the truth about Islam. According to these three and the millions of Americans they lead, Muslims intend ultimately "to impose their religion on us all."

The idea of peace in the Middle East was denounced — specially any accord granting any land whatever to the Palestinians.

The two-state concept is unacceptable to American Christians, they argued, because "God gave that land to the Jews through Abraham" long ago. If the Palestinians want a state they must go to Jordan or elsewhere.

A terrible, final war in the region is inevitable.

Frazier, Hindson and LaHaye all teach at Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University. They have the ear of the President of the world's sole superpower

The next story comes from CommonDreams and tells us how spreading the word of Jesus will not only secure a place in Heaven, but can also be very good for the bank account.

Jesus Is My Homeboy

Published on Monday,
February 14, 2005 by
by Robert Rowen-Herzog

By all accounts, Jesus must have one damn good publicist. This past year brought a great deal of exposure to the Son of God – from multiple cover stories in Time and Newsweek; to a healthy split of box office proceeds with Mel Gibson from 'The Passion of the Christ'; to the ubiquitous sightings of Jesus Is My Homeboy t-shirts in shopping malls, coffee shops and other various post-pubescent, post-modern venues; and finally, to playing in front of standing room only crowds at his regular one-man gig in a Bethlehem stable this past December.

Like the honorable Governor of California, Jesus parlayed some of his box-office capital and success from 'The Passion' and threw his halo into the political ring. As has been documented, President Bush’s favorite philosopher has provided the inspiration and, as George W. would have you believe, direct memos on how to rule the country and the world.

The Republican Party has glommed on to the Bible, co-opting and proof-texting their way to marketing it as a “Family Values for Dummies” tone. And as this past election cycle certainly revealed, 51% of the American public is buying it with mandating zeal. Nothing is safe from becoming a commodity to be bought and sold in these days of market-inspired culture. The teachings of Jesus, referred to here marginally as “Christianity,” and his very identity have not been spared this folly.[...]

The conservative Christian movement has at its core a perception of God as the ultimate disciplinarian Father, quick to anger and ready to unleash legions of angels on New York and Hollywood, our modern-day versions of permissive Sodom and Gomorrah. The sins against morality are clear indicators of the need for punishment with this model; one can avoid such punishment, i.e. being exiled to Hell with gnashing of teeth and eternal fires and such, through disciplining oneself in adherence to the moral teachings of Christ.

This is the only way to redemption, to heaven as it were, and any deviation from this path of “Thou Shalt Not’s” should bring quick and justifiable punishment.

A dear friend has regaled me with stories of growing up in a conservative church in a rural small town – how most Sunday nights as a young boy he would lay in bed gripped with insomnia, inspired by that morning’s hell and brimstone sermon that the Lord would not take his soul if he should die before he woke. Everyone else, he imagined, would be gloriously raptured and he would be banished to hell, wallowing in the transgressions of a sinful eight-year old. You can see the power of this model – stay in line or else. Salvation is thus seen as merely “fire insurance,” keeping you, until you screw up again, out of the fiery pits.

The progressive notion of Christianity, in contrast, perceives of a God who is benevolent and loving and wishing to bestow blessings, not punishment, on His/Her people. Redemption or salvation is through grace, and this grace is ultimately personified in the life and teachings of Christ – and his mandate to care for the sick and the poor and the widow. One is redeemed through this grace, through this metaphorical nurturance, and is thus inspired to nurture one’s relationship with God and with others. This is Golden Rule stuff , the essence of Jesus’ teachings as even he described clearly, “To love God and to love others as yourself.”

This progressive notion of a loving God has been confused with being permissive – the kind of God found only in free-love, boundary-less, pot-smoking, hippy communes of the 60’s that are responsible for the moral decay of our increasingly God-less society. To use the family metaphor, it is easy to refute such a claim, in the imperative that parents must create boundaries and discipline to be truly effective and nurturant. Hey, even the Cos had to discipline Theo, Vanessa and the rest of those unruly kids on 'The Cosby Show'.

In most hawkish circles, this perception of God is clearly viewed as weak, the kind of God that John Kerry and the rest of we “girly men” might worship; belief in such a God would certainly make us more vulnerable to terrorist attack. Violence must beget quick, and increasingly, pre-emptive action, the predominant logic proceeds. Fight is necessary, flight is cowardly. This is a war against powers and principalities, the stuff of apocalypse, and George W. is our Divine Warrior. This notion dovetails nicely with most interpretations of Revelations, and sells millions of copies of the Left Behind series to boot. [...]

The last story is one that is close to my heart, having grown up on a farm and all that. In concerns the packaging of that old-time religion in a western millieu. Where the quiet handsome cowboy sits around around the fire after a long day of roping cattle and sings hymns instead of Home on the Range. Hallelujah and aw shucks, tain't that sweet?.

Cowboy ministers wrangle for Jesus

Midland seminary teaches preaching for Western workplaces

By Bobby Ross Jr.
Sunday, February 13, 2005

MIDLAND -- "Preaching Jesus, Western style," declares the sign out front.

Across the street from a flea market, in the shadow of oil wells and tumbleweeds, Glenn Smith trains aspiring cowboy ministers in a building that looks more like a steakhouse than a seminary.

"These boys and girls will come out of here full-fledged ministers, but they'll be ministers that look like I do," said Smith, 70, sporting a $550 Resistol hat and $600 ostrich skin boots.

At the School of Western Ministries, pickup-driving students don colorful cowboy shirts, Wrangler jeans and belt buckles with messages such as "Jesus Christ: Champion of Champions." (As Smith explained, nobody puts on a suit and tie and then goes out to get cow, um, stuff all over himself.)

From Alabama to Australia, students come to West Texas to study how to teach the Bible in places where a barn might double as a sanctuary and where horse tanks and farm ponds make do as baptisteries.

Matt Reid, a 30-year-old saddle bronc rider from Cullman, Ala., said he came to learn from down-to-earth scholars who speak his language.

"These folks, they're not very religious," Reid said. "It's more like, they believe a relationship with Jesus is the best thing. You don't get all churchified."

As Smith sees it, the "Western world" is turned off by holier-than-thou preachers with deep voices and three-piece suits.

The former professional bull rider and rodeo clown leads a cowboy worship service each Sunday night at the International Western World Outreach Center, the Midland-based ministry that he and his wife, Ann, oversee.

The type of folks who attend would not fit in at the First Baptist Church, the First Methodist Church or the First Assembly of God, he said. On Sunday morning, when traditional church folk occupy pews, they're baling hay and tending cattle.

"So what we're trying to train these kids to do is what I've done for 30 years, and that is to actually go out in the boondocks, where no one cares," he said. "And we have church services in barns, rodeo arenas, Holiday Inn ballrooms, out under shade trees in the summertime."

Smith's ministry even prints its own Bibles -- King James versions with drawings of cowboys on the front and back.

The idea is that a macho cowboy might be more apt to throw such a Bible on his pickup dash than an official-looking one with a black cover.

"Somebody said, 'Well, aren't you afraid that God doesn't like that?' " Smith said. "I said, 'Well, in 30 years, he hasn't told me.' I figured if it had teed him off, he would have at least let me know."

The Smiths started the school last year with a class of 16. Twenty students enrolled for this year's session, which started in January.

"It's great for the young people," said Tim Kelly, 44, who works with Rodeo Cowboy Ministries in Kingaroy, Australia. "When we started at home, there was nothing like this. So we just had to learn as we went."

There's also a ministry in Saltillo, Coahuila.

Each student pays $1,200 tuition for 17 weeks of instruction geared toward "those called to minister in any and every area of the 'Western world' -- be it rodeo, farm and ranch, horse events of every kind, stock shows, and all associated activities and occupations," according to the school's Web site.

They learn from instructors such as Neil Cassata, a cowboy minister from Groesbeck, who offers common-sense advice such as, "Your opinion and 27 cents will get you a refill at Dairy Queen. Don't give people your opinion. Give them the word of God."

In the same recent lesson, Cassata delved into the New Testament book of Revelation's topics of rapture and tribulation.

"A lot of people who don't know the Lord will say, 'Man, what's going to happen at the end of the world?' " Cassata said. "So the students need to at least have a basic overview . . . so that they can tell people and give them a good, biblical explanation." [...]

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Police Focus on Religion in Milwaukee Shootings

Is it just my imagination, or does it seem that more and more people are being triggered in some way to go on murderous rampages lately? Is it possible that these types of events are not isolated incidents, but are connected somehow to the many other changes also occuring at this time? The weather is going crazy all over the world, including earthquakes, hurricanes and climate change. Bush and company are seeking to expand their war in the middle east, with China, Russia and India also looking to get into the act. Add to this meteorite sightings, awakening volcanoes, and other anomalous phenomenon, and the effects of this increasing change becomes apparant in almost all aspects of life. So then, how does the reports of people suddenly snapping and going on a killing spree fit into this picture?

One explanation is that the earth is an integrated and interconnected system, and humans beings as part of organic life in the system, must also experience these changes as well. Perhaps, the "way" an individual experiences these seemingly catastrophic changes says alot about the orientation of the individual themselves. Some find find themselves triggerd to commit horrible acts of violence, while others might find themselves motivated to do research and learn more about what is happening so that they can share this information with others.

Each according to thier own choosing and spiritual make-up, it seems.

As tragic as this shooting was in Milwaukee, that fact that it was carried out by a true believer and happened in Sunday church is not surprising at all.


Published: March 15, 2005

CHICAGO, March 14 - The police said Monday that they were increasingly focused on religion as the motive for a man's murderous rampage through a church service on Saturday at a suburban Milwaukee hotel, promising a full investigation even though the killings ended in suicide.

The local pastor of the Living Church of God, Randy L. Gregory, who was killed along with his 16-year-old son, appears to have been executed, the authorities said, while others among the seven dead and four injured were shot at random.

An earlier theory that the gunman, Terry Ratzmann, may have been upset about losing his job has been discarded after the police found that he had long known his contract as a computer technician for GE Healthcare would end on March 25. The authorities also said they found no evidence to support church members' reports that Mr. Ratzmann, 44, suffered from depression, and said that he was not on medication.

So while they remain unable to explain why Mr. Ratzmann stormed out of services two weeks before - or even whether the sermon that upset him was given via videotape by the church's international leader, Roderick C. Meredith, or by Mr. Gregory - the police see the little-known church as the key.

"We believe that the motive has something to do with the church and the church services more so than any other possible motive," Capt. Phil Horter of the Brookfield, Wis., Police Department said at a news conference on Monday. "We're looking at the church totality, whether it's members of the church, members of the hierarchy of the church, the sermons of the church," he added.

Investigators are combing through some 1,000 e-mail messages and other files, about 70 of them encrypted, on three computers seized from the home where Mr. Ratzmann lived with his mother and sister, and one from his office. A message left on the Ratzmanns' answering machine on Monday was not returned.

"You're looking for logic in an illogical act," the Waukesha County district attorney, Paul Bucher, told reporters on Monday.

The Living Church of God, an offshoot of a sect seen by some as a cult, the Worldwide Church of God, is a fringe group that advocates literal adherence to the Bible, observes a Saturday Sabbath, rejects the Holy Trinity concept and frequently focuses on a coming apocalypse. The national director of church administration, Charles Bryce, disputed reports about Mr. Ratzmann's angry departure from the Feb. 26 service but declined to discuss that week's videotaped sermon.

"We are a peaceful church," said Mr. Bryce, who flew to Wisconsin from the church's headquarters in North Carolina on Sunday to counsel local church members.

The police said Monday that Mr. Ratzmann purchased the 9-millimeter handgun used in Saturday's shootings last June. They said he was seen at the hotel on Saturday morning holding a briefcase, and apparently returned home, where the briefcase - containing a Bible - was found, before bursting into the hotel ballroom brandishing the handgun 20 minutes after the 12:30 p.m. service began.

Mr. Gregory and his family are believed to have been targets, the authorities said, while others were hit randomly. Four victims, including the Gregorys, died of single gunshots to the chest, while the others were shot two to four times each.

Tapes of several 911 calls from church members reveal chaos, with people wailing and screaming in the background.

"Many, many, many, many fired, shot," a breathless man told the operator, struggling to get out the name of the hotel where the shooting occurred, and mistakenly identifying it as a Marriott, rather than a Sheraton. "I don't know how many were shot, a lot of them."

One woman identified Mr. Ratzmann and even said he had been depressed.

"Oh my, oh no, oh no, oh no, Gloria is dead, oh no, oh no, oh no, there's at least - how many are on the floor? - 5 to 10," the woman says. "Five to 10 at least, oh my, one of my friends is laying on the floor, I think she's dead. This is a massacre."

Gloria Critari, 50, was indeed among the victims identified Sunday.

"All of a sudden we heard bang like a firecracker, but it was so loud and then again and again," the woman continued. "My husband pushed me down to the floor, my son. We all went to the floor, everybody.

"Right after this we're having a potluck and then an entertainment show this evening," she added. "I think it's all on hold."

Voices in my head (or lack thereof)

Reflections of a Pragmatic Gnostic - part one

I'd like to take some time away from analyzing news stories and share a little about my background and experiences with monotheistic religions. I will try and give some history on how being raised as a Catholic has shaped my perceptions of the church today and how I've arrived at my particular unique perception of the world.

My parents weren't what you call "hard core Catholics", as in being dogmatic and rigid with their insistence on the whole family going to church every Sunday. Although in my younger years we did partake in this weekly ritual, I suspect now that it was more an expression of them trying to set a good example for my brother and sister and I, rather than an ardent belief in the doctrine itself.

As we grew older and more aware of the trappings and subtle manipulation of the Church of Rome, our attendance declined steadily until it became an Easter and midnight mass at Christmas kind of event. A kind of public showing of a waning faith, that sat well with the neighbours and all that. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself here.

My first experience with doubt about the teachings of Catholicism occured one morning in Sunday school. While my parents sat through an hour and a half of boring sermons in the chapel across the courtyard, we sat at desks in the community centre listening to a Nun teach us about the omnisciencient, omnipotent and onmipresent power of the Almighty, and how the good Lord was watching over our every thought and action at all times.

I remember this event clearly as if it happened yesterday. The Nun, in her zealousness of proving her fantastic claims, had every child in the room sit quietly with their eyes closed, and insisted that if we concentrated hard enough, we would be able to hear the voice of God speaking directly into our minds. Being young and impressionable, I wholeheartedly believed her claims and tried with all my might to hear the voice of Jesus in my head. Alas, it was not to happen. Try as I might the only sound I heard was the dull roar of the furnace and the occaisional cough of someone in the room.

After this little experiment was finished and the Nun told us we could now open our eyes and relax, she then proceeded to ask the class for a show of hands of all the children who indeed heard the voice of God speaking directly to them. Well, wasn't I surprised to see that everyone's hand in the class shot straight up into the air. Everyone's hand except mine, that is. There I sat, not more than six or seven years old, believing that for some reason this kind and benevolent God spoke directly to everyone but me.

Although it's difficult to predict now as I approach my 40th birthday, what kind of psychological trauma was inflicted on me that day, as I realized that I was somehow "different" than other folks. What I do remember is from that moment on, I no longer passively accepted what ever dogma was thrown my way. A kernal of doubt had been planted in my young mind that perhaps these adults, seemingly so wise and knowedgable, perhaps were either lying or didn't have a clue what they were talking about.

As time marched onwards, I became less and less enthralled with the teachings of the church, and while our attendance every Sunday would still continue for some time, I won't never look at religion the same way again.


Monday, March 07, 2005

Peak Oil: Disinformation or Cointelpro?

Some fundamentalist Christians in the U.S. have suggested the attack on the Pentagon and the WTC on September 11th was an act of God to punish America's descent into hedonism. I am of the opinion that "God" in this case was acting through certain Israeli and American agents with foreknowledge and complicity by their respective governments, and has little to do with conservative social values. While not all 9/11 researchers see it as an inside job, there seem to be A LOT of websites devoted to investigating and uncovering the many lies of 9/11. But like most popular movements, there will be much co-opting, diverting and deliberate disinformation. So, keeping "God" in mind, what better place to discuss the nature of lies and disinfo in the 9/11 truth movement than here on the Dogma Alert blog.

One curious thread running through the 9/11 truth movement is that it seems to be dividing into two camps; those who doubt the "official version" that it really was a Boeing 757 that crashed into the Pentagon, and those who support that particular event, while being critical of other areas. Many seem well-financed and quite vocal in their conclusions. Others tend to use debunking and ridicule to prop up their specious arguments.

Daniel Hopsicker of Mad Cow Morning News is one of the most probable Cointelpro agents in the latter camp, who has said anyone who dares question the authenticity of the Boeing claims must be government disinfo artists. What a truly Machiavellian double reverse psychology trick coming from the mouth a very probable disinformation artist himself. Michael Rupert of From the Wilderness is heavily pushing the "peak oil" agenda, seems to advocate some kind of voluntary euthansia program to depopulate the earth to more managable levels. While Ruppert agrees that "no plane hit the Pentagon", he diverts attention away with broad legalistic arguments based on wishful thinking that the govenrnment will one day be found guilty and all will then be right with the world.

The Strike against the Pentagon is perhaps the most important aspect of the September 11th attacks becuase it is here that the official story breaks down entirely. The "shock" of understanding the deception of this one event may be all that is needed for some people to open up to the idea that entire official version is a lie. There is so much evidence available to the serious researcher to suggest that it was either a missile or unmanned drone that hit the Pentagon that any researcher who says differently is either highly gullible or very likely a government agent. Seeing that two highly intelligent men like Ruppert and Hopsicker are using different methods to draw attention away from the truth leaves little doubt as to which category they fall under.

Ruppert uses the chimera of peak oil to avoid dealing with Israeli and U.S. government complicity in the 9/11 attacks, whereas Hopsicker seems bent on using the Mohammed Atta/Saudi connection in Florida as his way co-opting the movement.

Please the the Dossier 9-11 and beyond for more information in this controversial but highly important topic.


Friday, March 04, 2005

Bastards of Jesus?

Well, it seems now that the Da Vinci Code novel by Dan Brown is all the rage, there is much speculation as to whether our Lord and Saviour possibly sired a few dozen offspring whose descendants are currently roaming around Europe somewhere.

This revelation must come as quite a shock to those hardcore fundamentlist Christians who desperately cling to the belief that Jesus, never having known the "pleasures of the flesh", was pure as the driven snow. But according to Mr, Brown, who appears to borrow heavily from sources like "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", Jesus was quite active in that regard, and having taken an early exit from this earthly stage, left Mary to raise his bastard children. Of course, if Mary and Jesus were in fact married at Canaan, as some experts believe, technically their young'uns wouldn't be bastards. But that's neither here nor there.

The point is, considering the overwhelming and inexplicable popularity of poorly-written novels like the Da Vinci Code, the powers that be in the media seem to be actively engaged in a kind of psychological experiment aimed at priming the masses for an acceptance of ideas of this sort. Perhaps they are attempting to merge the mainstream and new age religions to accept the arrival of Christ-like space brothers who will come down and save humanity before we blow ourselves all to bits.


From what I can tell, the reason why the Da Vinci Code has become the latest craze, like the Celestine Prophecy was for the new age religious crowd, is because it serves as a sort of pulp fiction that masquerades as scholarly historical and archeological research. Candy floss for the mind.

Anyway, if any readers of this blog are serious as to the true history of the man we have come know as Jesus and how esoteric clues can be found in certain works of art and architecture, they should check out the latest article by Laura Knight-Jadczyk entitled; The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code.

There may not be any scholarly American heros or buxom French babes, but for those interested in the truth behind the fluff, it is a most interesting read.
