Who is JJ Hurtak?
To kick off this ambitious project, let us have a look at Don JJ Hurtak, the guy who started the whole “Keys of Enoch” deal and garnered such followers as the young Don Bernard “Drunvalo” Perona. Now a fully fledged psychic mafia Don in his own right.
Don James J "J.J." Hurtak's published bio says:
"J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., M.Th. is a social scientist and futurist who studied at the University of California and the University of Minnesota."
Now, certainly he does not say that his degrees came from the University of California and the University of Minnesota... he only says he has degrees, followed by the names of two universities where he "studied." However, certainly, a reader would assume from this juxtaposition that his degrees came from those universities.
The fact is that his PhD is in social science and his other PhD in History and Oriental Studies, were obtained from the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico.
Regarding Hurtak's claims to have been at the Uni of California in 1973, we find the following.
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® (1973, 1975, 1977) makes the correlation that this Divine Name was the key behind the transcription code of chemical letters which develops the human body. In 1973 while at the University of California, Hurtak came to understand that there was a connection between the series of linguistic and genetic associations in the spelling of God’s name in the biblical Hebrew (YHVH).
Hurtak’s bio claims:
"He worked with Dr. Thich Tien-An, Vietnamese Buddhist scholar in establishing the curriculum of studies at the Graduate School of Buddhism, Los Angeles, as well as working with the microfilming of the Tibetan canon in Nepal and India."
Apparently Dr. Thich Thien-An died in 1980. Here is a link with a brief overview of his life in which you will find no reference to Hurtak.
Ven. Dr. Thich Thien-An came to Southern California in the summer of 1966 as an exchange professor at UCLA. Soon his students discovered he was not only a renowned scholar, but a Zen Buddhist monk as well. His students convinced Dr. Thien-An toteach the practice of meditation and start a study group about the other steps on the Buddhist path, in addition to the academic viewpoint….
…Dr. Thien-An died at the age of 54 of cancer which had spread rapidly throughout his body, from his liver to his brain. In his last months, one could often find him sitting peacefully on the steps of the bell tower. It was a gift to be able to sit quietly next to him and feel the energy of his understanding. He had many plans but saw the reality of what was happening. He smiled, as he smiled often, a smile of great compassion and loving-kindness for all the world.
From http://jbe.gold.ac.uk/6/metcalf991.html , a review of a book
"The faces of buddhism in America":
Cuong Nguyen and A. W. Barber, on the other hand, peremptorily dismiss the careers of Thich Nhat Hanh and Thich Tien An (p. 131) and spend their chapter discussing Vietnamese Buddhism in the Vietnamese American community only. [...] And wherever Thich Tien An got his training, his memory has certainly not faded away in Los Angeles, where he is remembered at his flourishing Dharma center, rightly or wrongly, as the first patriarch of American Vietnamese Buddhism.
Again, nowhere is there a mention of J.J. Hurtak.
Hurtak’s bio claims: He is President of the International Academy for Future Science.
What is the Academy for Future Science?
Website: http://www.affs.org/index.html
The Academy for Future Science is an international non-profit organisation operating in more than 12 countries since its inception in 1973. Its charter covers the areas of archaeology, anthropology, environment and remote sensing, computers and physics, as well as studies in consciousness and comparative religion. Its work has been represented at the Parliament of the World's Religions (1999),The Millennium Peace Summit ofWorld Religious Leaders (2000), and at many university conferences on the dialogue of science and religion. Its members have been responsible for the updating of the medical curriculum at universities in South Africa and the monitoring of critical environmental areas in Brazil.
Dr. James J. Hurtak, PhD, PhD is President of the Academy for Future Science. He is a social scientist and futurist with two doctorates who studied at the Universities of California and Minnesota. His main concern is the interface between science, religion and the environment. He was a presenter at the recent Parliament of World Religions (1999) in Cape Town.
The Academy For Future Science http://www.affs.org/
P.O. Box FE, Los Gatos CA 95031, USA P.O. Box 35340, Menlo Park, 0102, Pretoria, South Africa
Desiree Hurtak is listed as the admin contact (WhoIs records) for the futurescience.org domain. Turns out she's James (Jim) J. Hurtak's wife. Bio here:
The wife of J.J. Hurtak, Desiree Hurtak is an international relations expert and author. Her recent work involves environmental studies and the film documentation of indigenous cultures to preserve their cultural heritage. To this end, she has also studied and written on the philosophies and literature of various ancient cultures including Egypt and Mesoamerica to understand their importance in our evolving society.
They've both been on the show twice in the past 10 months.
Photos of both are here, from the UN Summit on Sustainable Development:
At another of their websites: http://www.pistissophia.org/
We find:
The Pistis Sophia is a translation and commentary of a special collection of 2,000 year old Gnostic Coptic manuscripts, derived from ancient Egyptian-Coptic Christian Codexes. In the historic period after the early Church became established as the "official religion" of the Roman Empire (325 C.E.), the Pistis Sophia literature was withdrawn. It remains an inner teaching of the Coptic and African communities.
The words Pistis Sophia are Greek for "Faith Wisdom" and represent a teaching given to the disciples of Christ Jesus AFTER his resurrection. Significant for modern times, these are teachings revealed not only to Jesus' male disciples, but also to his female disciples including Mary Magdalene, Martha, and Salome! […]
At the same time, the Pistis Sophia texts work richly and expoundingly in concert with the Gospel Teachings of Jesus Christ, the work of the Prophets and the Saints, both the Old and the New Testaments as well as many Intertestamental works and The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® .
At the bottom of this page, we see an address (2003) for the Academy of Future Science: PO Box 395, Ava, Mo 65608
Articles from the AFFS,
The Quest to Terraform Mars by D. M. Hurtak, M.S.Sc.
Crisis of the Amazon by J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
An article on Biogmagnetism by H. Coetzee, Ph.D. [Originally published in Future History, Volume 8]
We search for info on H. Coetzee, and find a mish mash of various other people with the name, either in Washington state, or in South Africa.
When we check on the referenced journal, Future History, we find it here: http://www.keysofenoch.org/html/journal.html
The Academy for Future Science, i.e. Hurtak, publishes this journal!
Then, there is this.
Laser Remote Sensing by Dr. Edgardo Gerck
Lasertech S.A.
Campinas, SP, Brasil Dr. James J. Hurtak
Los Gatos, California USA
Originally published in International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. XXIX, 1992, ISPRS, Washington, D.C.
Which leads us to: http://www.isprs.org/isprs.html.......You can see the “officials” of this organization here
Where you also discover: “The headquarter of the Society for the period 2004-2008 is the office of the Secretary General.
“ Said “Secretary General is:
Istanbul Technical University
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
34469 Ayazaga-Istanbul
Here you can find out about their members
For example, the entry for the United States is:
United States American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 210
Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2160, USA
Tel: +1-301-493 0290
Fax: +1-301-493 0208
E-mail: asprs@asprs.org
Number of Individual Members: 6,000
If you have a look at their website, you will read this:
What is ASPRS? Founded in 1934, the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) is a scientific association serving over 7,000 professional members around the world. Our mission is to advance knowledge and improve understanding of mapping sciences to promote the responsible applications of photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and supporting technologies. […]
"We are extremely proud of our historical roots in imaging science and technology in the form of photogrammetry and remote sensing, and we intend to maintain and build upon our emphasis in this area. However, our membership is focused on imaging not only in the sense of primary data acquisition, but also with respect to the extraction of information from image data in a decision support context," said Lillesand.
"We want to make clear that ASPRS represents a scientific and professional home for a broad array of individuals whose interests span the entire spectrum of geospatial information sciences, technologies, and applications."
In short, it is more or less a spying organization that is also a “vacuum cleaner” operation. Shades of the CIA!
Here you will find some of the “sustaining members” of ISPRS:
Again, as you scan the names of the corporations, you realize that this is nothing more than an organization of “psychic spies.”
Back to Hurtak: Supposely he was the second in command in the Council of Nine...
See: www.tribwatch.com/aquarian.htm
A Fortean Times article reveals that Hurtak was second in command in the Council of Nine. Note how the mind-control projects of this Council mirror those of Tavistock-Stanford:
Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the history of The Nine is its relationship to the career of Andrija Puharich. Recent research has revealed Puharich to have a distinctly sinister side. As an Army doctor in the 1950s, he was deeply involved with the CIA’s notorious MKULTRA mind control project.
He - together with the infamous Dr Sidney Gottlieb - experimented with a variety of techniques to change or induce actual thought processes...even to creating the impression of voices in the head. These techniques included the use of drugs, hypnosis and beaming radio signals directly into the subject’s brain. And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same time that The Nine made their first appearance at the Round Table Foundation. The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research. Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s, when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel."
Hurtak’s bio claims: He has been Director of LASERTECH in Brazil, which developed lasers for industrial and environmental studies in the Amazon.
Here is lasertech’s website: http://www.lasertech.com/s_amer.html
No mention of Hurtak there anywhere. But, we have a researcher in Brazil checking on this and may have more details later.
From Hurtak’s bio:
"With broad scientific interests in ecology, remote sensing, technology, and alternative energy, as well as belief systems of indigenous cultures, Dr. Hurtak has published eight books and more than 100 articles in eight languages."
It’s rather difficult to find these articles: A list of published issues of antigravity news, but the links of Hurtak's publications doesn't work:
Bailey, P., Grotz, T., and Hurtak, J., "Survey And Critical Review Of Recent Innovative Energy Conversion Technologies," October 1997. [http://www.padrak.com/ine/BGH97_1.html]
Bailey, P., Grotz, T., and Hurtak, J., "Review And Status of Reported Innovative Energy Conversion Technologies, Contrasted Using A Consistent R&D Ranking Scale," October 1997. [http://www.padrak.com/ine/BGH97_2.html]
A search on the electronic uni library system returns a series of FIVE publications on various journals, examples:
Authors Hurtak JJ.
Institution Academy for Future Science, Los Gatos, CA 95031, USA. jjh@affs.or
G Hurtak JJ. Acupuncture and the cycle of birth as viewed in an historic Japanese medical text. [Historical Article. Journal Article] Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 10(2):231-3, 2004 Apr. UI: 15165402
Curtis BD. Hurtak JJ. Consciousness and quantum information processing: uncovering the foundation for a medicine of light. [Review] [77 refs] [Journal Article. Review. Review, Tutorial] Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 10(1):27-39, 2004 Feb. UI: 15025876
Hurtak JJ. An overview of acupuncture medicine.[see comment][erratum appears in J Altern Complement Med. 2003 Feb;9(1):179]. [Historical Article. Journal Article] Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 8(5):535-8, 2002 Oct. UI: 12470432
Energy technologies for the 21st century: Substitutes for fossil fuel Fuel and Energy Abstracts Volume: 37, Issue: 3, May, 1996, pp. 202 Hurtak, J. J.
One suspects that the “hundreds of articles”(?) must be in his own publications. Also note that the publications listed above are considered “fringe”.
From Hurtak’s bio: He produced The Voice of Africa, a Study on African Shamanism (1987) and Merkabah: Voyage of a Star Seed (1998), a winner of four international awards with its computer-animated symbols of spiritual unity.
From http://www.souloflife.com/musvideo.html :
JJ Hurtak - MERKABAH - Voyage of a Star Seed - Prepare yourself for the Merkabah journey that carries you into the higher worlds. Amid sacred sounds and colors you experience its transport powers as a super-luminal light, traveling beyond the limitations of physical form. Become a time and space traveler as you experience the many heavens! Encountering angelic beings and whole Light forms of ultraterrestrial Light from higher dimensional realms the dimensional gateways will open to you. In this masterpiece of video animation the Merkabah transports you from our immediate planetary system into other realms of awareness, connecting past, present, and future worlds of balance and beauty.
At OneLoveOneSpirit.com: We find the following statement:
"VIDEO MERKABAH: Voyage Of A Star Seed We regret to say that we are no longer allowed to retail this video. OneLoveOneSpirit.com apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused you ."
We were unable to find any “international awards” for this video as claimed.
We were unable to find any verification for “The Voice of Africa” in any context.
From Hurtak’s bio:
"Over the past 20 years, he has been involved with the dialog on issues concerning the environment, religion, and science. He was a presenter at the Parliament of the World’s Religions (1999) in Cape Town".
From: http://www.cpwr.org/
"The mission of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions is to cultivate harmony between the world's religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its other guiding institutions in order to achieve a peaceful, just, and sustainable world. "
The "Council for a Parliament of the World'd Religions"'s site seems to be Cesnur-like: studying the world religion's scenario and defend the principle of religious liberty.
http://www.cesnur.org/about.htm (scroll down for the english version)
Parliament's who's who:
Mission: The mission of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions is to cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its other guiding institutions in order to achieve a peaceful, just, and sustainable world.
1999 Cape Town's meeting attendees
This looks like a benevolent and legitimate organization that Hurtak has managed to “gate crash” with no real credentials.
It’s sister organization, CESNUR, has an article on Hurtak here: http://www.cesnur.org/2004/waco_matthews.htm
Entitled: "The Master Race and the Family of Light: Conflict, Spiritual Purification and Bio-Political Agendas in JJ Hurtak's "Book of Knowledge"
Which says, in part:
Earlier in 1973, maverick linguist, alleged CIA consultant, occultist and nouveau Egyptologist, J.J. Hurtak, according to his account, had been “lifted up” in a body of light into a region of stars called Merak and Muscida by the Master Ophanim Enoch. Enoch, answering a prayerful plea from Hurtak, had come to deliver a revelatory message outlining the purpose of life on the Earth plane, and to reveal the contours of a coming confrontation between the Children of Light and the Fallen Masters of Darkness.2 Over a period of two days (Jan 2-3) Enoch “downloaded” into Hurtak a total of 64 keys or revelations and these became The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. The Book of Knowledge details a premillennial, post-Christian account that calls on the Children of Light to be genetically recoded for the energy transformations to come that they may be the vanguard of an ascended “Christ Race,” which will complete the evolution of the original Pre-Adamic races. Key 109, a central revelation in this regard, reads as follows: The Anti-Universe is composed of Star Field Energies revealed on the Black Cube of Mecca which shows the function and destruction of three dimensional universes. 3
Hurtak’s commentary on this Key reveals that the events of October 1973 galvanized him. Hurtak saw the October war as evidence that most Muslims, particularly those in power, are in league with, or in thrall to, dark extraterrestrial forces that originate in the constellations of Ursa Minor and Draco (with the principle star alpha Draconis as a focus).
Hurtak constructs an elaborate narrative linking ancient astronomy and geometry, genetic/molecular and computer theory with geo-political events, and in revisiting the old competitions between Muslim, Christian and Jew, recasts the historic dimensions of this occasional conflict in extraterrestrial, genetic terms.
In elaborating on Hurtak’s prophetic project I will first briefly describe Hurtak’s process of “prophetic regenesis,” in which revelation and prophetic commentary are said to “reveal” the contours of a cosmic conflict between two ancient extraterrestrial genetic bloodlines that is said to manifest itself in geo-political events on earth. Then, I will discuss how Hurtak’s process of revelation subsumes and elides the actual sequence of events as recorded by news agencies. Lastly, I will briefly describe how this narrative of Muslim/Christian conflict, recast in extraterrestrial and genetic terms, has impacted the writings and ideations of New Age and Ascensionist thinkers and practitioners. […]
For example, an examination of the commentary explicating Key 109 demonstrates how, according the Hurtak, the Kaaba at Mecca acts as a concentration of anti-Universe, anti-Christ energy, a kind of spiritual black hole as it were. […]
For Hurtak, this “clinging to the cube” that the Kaaba represents is, in fact, evidence of a dangerous tendency toward retrogression, rigidity, entropy and a need to tyrannically control. As Muslims circumambulate around their most sacred shrine in Mecca, they are exhibiting the “black hole function” of refusing to evolve up to the next level of organic organization. […]
The implication is that Muslims do not “allow” the light of program of God to penetrate them, therefore, they re-enact and reinscribe, in their revering of the cube at Mecca, a focus on physical destruction of the 3-D world, in the way that the black hole is postulated to trap light itself.7 […]
The Book of Knowledge constitutes Hurtak’s attempt to construct what occultist Rene Schwaller de Lubicz referred to as la Symbolique, a purported system of knowledge transmission de Lubicz considered to be primarily visual and pre-linguistic, and is secretly encoded in the shapes of various written languages, mystical buildings, such as the Great Pyramid and for Hurtak, in human DNA. […]
The Children of Darkness “cling to the cube” in Mecca in order to keep the Children of Light from discovering the symbolique of redemption hidden in the Kaaba. They are not entirely at fault, since they are operating at the behest of extraterrestrials from alpha Draconis/Ursa Minor. They can be saved by bringing them to the Torah Or (Light of the Torah)—which Hurtak prophetically retranslates as the Program of Israel with Gematria designation 8033-45. […]
Now lets look at the "Council for a Parliament of the World'd Religions" Mission again and see how it fits in with the above........... Mission: The mission of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions is to cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its other guiding institutions in order to achieve a peaceful, just, and sustainable world.
It appears that the CPWR hasn't done it's homework!
Continuing with the Censur article
There is no way to determine for sure whether Hurtak’s apparent conflation of events is purposeful, the result of a faulty news source, or a common American tendency to disregard the complexities of Middle Eastern politics. Whatever the case, Hurtak declares that Enoch transported him to the location of the Kaaba, in much the same way that Jabriel was said to have transported Muhammad to the Temple Mount during his Night Journey. From his exalted standpoint, Enoch revealed to Hurtak how the cubic structure of the Kaaba acts like a black hole, sucking in and trapping the Light of the Father and feeding the Children of Darkness. 13 The stone inside the Kaaba, it is said holds and traps the accumulated and unredeemed sins of humanity inside the cube as Muslims, guided by extraterrestrial forces from alpha Draconis, are vampirically infected by the resulting energies of degeneration, vengeance and anti-evolution. […]
So, how has this premillennial scenario played to Hurtak’s New Age and Ascensionist audience? […]
Perhaps one of the most interesting responses can be found in an early ascension channeling session conducted by trance channel Barbara Marciniak in 1990.
Well, I guess the shoe fits. A close look at the Book of Knowledge reveals what one might call the circular edge of closure, when right and left wing interests are joined in the fervor of premillennial promises of perfected genetic evolution, the end of history and the conquering of ones stated enemies. It’s the same story being told now in more dangerous times.When asked specifically about Hurtak and The Book of Knowledge, Marciniak’s guides replied that, although in the past they may have spoken highly of the Book, they also had “always maintained that [we] do not agree with what is being said there.” While the book is said to “resonate with its own form of integrity,” it is also limited by Hurtak’s belief systems, and he will eventually be surprised when he finds out what and who the conflict really involves. Her guides go on to recommend The Gods of Eden by William Bramley as a more accurate account of humanity’s extraterrestrial background.16
Some ascensionists have reported to me that something about the book “creeps them out,” and still others were quite surprised when I pointed out passages in the text that seemed to vilify Muslims or contained a ‘master race’ narrative.
Most ascensionists seem not to be very interested in pursuing Hurtak’s premillennial charges of anti-Christ Muslim behavior, even while they generally accept his overall narrative regarding the existence of an extraterrestrial conspiracy on the Earth that is designed to keep humans from evolving and the importance of DNA as the locus of personal incarnation.
On the other hand, while perusing Internet archives of ascensionist/New Age chat rooms, I ran across several conversations, all post 9/11, in which Key 109 was brought up for discussion. In one instance, a respondent simply replied by posting a verse from Surah 9 of the Koran, which, when taken out of context, seems to provide justification for Muslims to kill their enemies at any opportunity. It was as if the respondent was saying: “Yes, see, look at their scriptures, they are just like that.” […]
Robert Fuller (no relation to Buckminster), in his book Naming the Anti-Christ: The History of an American Obsession, notes that a great deal of the apocalyptic imagery that is increasingly found in much New Age/Ascensionist literature derives from fundamentalist/right wing sources/pre-millennial, ranging from Hal Lindsey to Orson Scott Card.18 […]
For all of its sophisticated patter, and it’s potential as a vision that seeks to intimately link the twin infinities of the cosmos and the human soul through the mediating mechanism of DNA, Hurtak’s revelation seems to follow this trajectory with remarkable fidelity, only now the millennial conflict is cast in mathematical, extraterrestrial, genetic and even racial terms.
Later in The Book of Knowledge, Hurtak reveals that there are two other groups who operate with the Fallen Masters, obscuring the possibility of the Christ race evolving on Earth. These individuals are the orthodox ‘believers’ in the Jewish and Christian communities, and the secular scholars and intellectuals who annoyingly insist on the importance of history, context, analysis and fact-finding.
For Hurtak, such critical analysis is idolatry constituting the Abomination of Desolation as described in the Book of Daniel.
"his PhD is in social science and his other PhD in History and Oriental Studies, were obtained from the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico"
It seems a bit much to state that his claimed qualifications are false, without you giving your source for this alternative.
history search, at 11:52 p.m.
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